There is a biblical concept of sowing seeds and reaping a harvest. God desires us to plant seeds of love, kindness, encouragement and forgiveness through words and action. He also challenges us to plant financial seeds into the Kingdom. God promises when we do, we will see good fruit. The Rhiza Grow Gift is our annual act of worship to plant financial seeds in areas we want to see grow the following year.
We are laser focused in two areas of community care; foster care and the recovery community. We want to become a bigger blessing and grow those ministries. We host recovery groups and foster care clinics in a less than hospitable room. One way we want to sow seeds into our Care Ministry is to redesign and remodel the mixed use space to better serve those communities.
Throughout the year, we host three kinds of gatherings: worship, grow and connect. We have outgrown the spaces we have been using to grow and connect. The auditorium is currently set up to only host worship gatherings. The largest space we have is limited to be used one hour a week for our weekly worship gathering and the occasional worship night. We want to grow community by removing the pews, replacing the floors and acquiring chairs. The auditorium will then be able to host a number of kinds of gatherings from couples conferences, kids / student events and men’s / women’s groups.
You read that right…Rhiza is gonna have coffee! At Rhiza, coffee helps us grow “care” and “community.” Coffee encourages folks to come early and stay late, in turn building community. Rhiza Coffee grows care by designating the proceeds towards local foster care organizations and families. We also have a long term vision of keeping the coffee shop open throughout the week. This would allow us to grow community as people spend time together over coffee. It also allows the care ministry to grow as even more proceeds will be given to foster families.
We are accepting seeds in the way of financial gifts and pledges that will go towards growing care, community, and coffee. If you cannot commit financially, there are other ways to get involved. You may not have finances, but you may know someone you can share our story who could give. You can also get involved by getting your hands dirty during the demolition and remodeling process. Lastly, Rhiza could use your constant prayers. We are asking that you pray about your financial commitment. When you’re ready to commit, simply fill out the Grow Gift commitment card and then give through the Rhiza app. You can also keep an eye out for serving opportunities throughout the year.